P System s.r.l., Cremona, Italy

P System Automazione S.r.l. was founded in 1995 by a staff with a long experience in the supply of hydro-dynamic industrial automation. The main areas of application are the iron and steel heavy industry, die-casting foundry, wood presses, etc... After developing the dynamics of the hydraulic briquette presses in the 90's, the company P System Automazione S.R.L. started to design a new production line for pellets aiming to supply “TURN KEY” installations through the “PLUG AND PLAY” system. In 2004, the EASY-START systems and the LOAD SENSING system received a patent from the European Union. The first system is controlled loading of the die in order to avoid downtimes and obstructions.

Linije za izdelavo peletov

Avtomatske linije za proizvodnjo peletov - od sekancev do peletov, zapakiranih v vreče iz ene hiše.

Linija za izdelavo peletov

Linija za izdelavo peletov

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