Wandres GmbH micro-cleaning, Stegen, Germany

The company Wandres GmbH micro-cleaning was founded in 1981 in Southern Germany. It develops and produces innovative compressed air-assisted and brush cleaning systems for industrial production applications. Wandres has specialised in the gentle and effective removal of dust, fibres and very small particles from product surfaces. Wandres produces cleaning systems with linear brushes for the single-sided or double-sided cleaning of surfaces as well as suction guns and vac-blast cleaners for specific removal of dust from components. Today, Wandres' customers come from the car and electronic industries as well as from the glass, plastic, paper, printing and furniture industries.

Čiščenje kovinskih plošč in neskončnih trakov | Evomat | Cevomat

LINIJA B: Čistilna sistema Evomat in Cevomat je mogoče enostavno integrirati v obstoječe proizvodne linije zahvaljujoč ozkemu tlorisu. Integriran samočistilni mehanizem z grelnimi elementi zagotavlja zanesljivo delovanje z malo vzdrževanja.

  • Evomat EVO se uporablja za obojestransko čiščenje pocinkanih platin, oblikovanih platin, ali alu platin pred oblikovanjem.
  • Cevomat CVO pa je namenjen obojestranskemu čiščenju kovinskih neskončnih trakov vpr. pred valjanjem, ravnanjem, nanašanjem zaščitne folije... Sistem sestavljajo štiri konzolne krtače, ki so obdane s stabilnim zaščitnim ohišjem.
  • PCL Cleaner čisti vtisnjene mrežne plošče, tiskana vezja, mala vezja ali tipske ploščice od zgoraj in od spodaj. Na dovodu in izstopu čistilnega stroja gnani transporter in tlačni valji zagotavljajo varen transport in natančen položaj delov.






PCL Cleaner

PCL Cleaner

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